“When she sang about angels, she looked at the sky.” Songs about ghosts too. For a full tracklist, please divert here.
Episode 162 - 50 Years On: 1974 Revisited
A strange time between the defined eras of the 60s and the punk rock explosion. In the interregnum, much great music flourished. For a full tracklist, please divert here.
Episode 161 - Boredom
Ever get the feeling you’ve been bored? Not with this episode, my friends. For a full tracklist, please divert here.
Episode 160 - Songs for Europe, or SombrEuro Fallout, The Return
Three years ago we published the Sombr-Euro Fallout episode. Here’s the sequel. For a full tracklist, please divert here.
Episode 159 - Songs For, Songs Against ... and simply "Songs"
Anything with “Song” in the title is fair game. For a full tracklist, please divert here.
Episode 158 - Family Life
All of family life is here! For a full tracklist, please divert here.
Episode 157 - Steve Albini Tribute
A tribute to legendary frontman and audio engineer Steve Albini. For a full tracklist, please divert here.
Episode 156 - Pedal Steel Special
If you’re a fan of glissandi and vibrati, and who amongst us is not, this is an episode for you. For a full tracklist, please divert here.
Episode 155 - Female Bass Players
Sometimes overlooked, frequently the linchpin of the band, here’s to the female bass player. For a full tracklist, please divert here.
Episode 154 - Fame, Fame, Fatal Fame
Fame, fame, fatal fame / Can play hideous tricks on the brain. Some tracks here that dramatically bear this out. For a full tracklist, please divert here.